A live ranking of airlines by how much luggage they are losing right now.
Python Mocking 101: Fake it before you make it
def test_thing(..., mock_call):
mock_call.return_value = {"foo": "bar"}
module.mock_function(a, b, c)
mock_call.assert_called_once_with(a, b, c)
ds{count}{motion} // delete the surroundings
cs{count}{motion} // change the surroundings
ys{count}{motion} // add surroundings
What I love about this is that this person paid attention to their
surroundings. They tried to understand the most ordinary thing they encountered.
Yet this makes clear that even those things had to be designed by someone.
Somebody had to make an effort and figure out a system on how to lock a train
toilet. And this hack somewhat pays homage to that.
Map of the sounds of forests all around the world.
Stretch any sound to the extreme.
Example with the Windows 98 startup sound.